Friday, 29 June 2012

Day 5 - phase 1

Good Evening Lovely Readers

I lost another pound yesterday which I am really happy about. Weight loss so far = 7lbs in 4 days (plus 4lbs not gained from the original 12lbs I lost).  It is the last day of phase 1 and to tell you the truth I couldn't be happier - I am ready for the next phase and proved this by "cheating" tonight.

I did okay all day but then Mr Thrifty and I spent all afternoon in the garden and I was tired. So when I went in to make our dinner, I couldn't be bothered to go to the effort of making a salad and instead I warmed up some mini baguettes and we had those with butter and sardines. Oh well.... it could have been worse (I think).  I will wait until the morning to weigh and see if the demon white bread made a difference! I'll let you know.

Interestingly, it filled a hole but I really haven't missed bread at all. Back on track tomorrow..
Love Mrs Thrifty

Day 5
Porridge + natural yoghurt
Egg + salad
Grilled sardines + green salad

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